Hello angular with style #2

Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at 4.19.43 PM

This is the second post from the series of 100 angular projects I am doing. You can check out the first post here.

Based on the previous hello world project, I decided to have a little fun by adding CSS framework Bulma which is the new cool kid on the block. Watch out Bootstrap!

First I added the Bulma in the project using npm install:

npm install --save bulma

Second I imported the Bulma in src\styles.css:

 @import "~bulma/css/bulma.css"

Now Bulma styles are available globally. Afterward, I created two components for header and footer.

ng generate component components/header
ng g component components/footer  ## g is shorthand for generate

This will create header and footer components in src/app/components folder.

Edit the header.component.html, footer.component.html, and app.component.html for the Bulma hero layout look.

Let’s create a header with only a brand logo.

<nav class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-brand">
<a class="navbar-item">
<img src="https://bulma.io/images/bulma-logo.png"&gt;

And create a footer with license information.

Finally, add those components into the main app.component.html.

<!–The content below is only a placeholder and can be replaced.–>
<section class="hero is-info is-fullheight is-bold ">
<div class="hero-head">
<div class="hero-body">
<div class="container has-text-centered">
<h1 class="title">
{{ title }}!
<img width="300" alt="Angular Logo" src="">
<h2 class="subtitle">
This is my very second Angular project.
<div class="hero-foot">

That’s it. We are done.

This time, I used Netlify for deployment. It is very easy and it works.

Live address: https://eloquent-dijkstra-37b634.netlify.com/

Git: https://github.com/zkkmin/hello/tree/hello-bulma


One thought on “Hello angular with style #2

  1. While reading the tutorial on AngularJS, I am happy to get introduced to the Bulma css framework. Bulma seems to be very good alternative to Bootstrap with ease of learning with pure CSS and no Javascript.


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